National Non-Profit Resource Center

Non-Profit Founders and Leaders,

Do you have the Right Plan to Grow your NPO? 

Join me for a Free Strategy call To Find Out.

Create a plan for growing your donor base, honing your marketing message,
enlisting volunteer support, and raising more money for your non-profit,
even if you don't already have a large donor base.

Stop the frustration of dismal fundraising campaigns, burned out boards, and stagnant growth.

Strategies to build your Non-Profit or Ministry:

  • Board Development: Recruit and train a strong and engaged Board of Directors.

  • Strategic Planning: Create an actionable Strategic Plan to guide reliable growth 

  • Programs Creation: Develop great Programs that have measurable results.

  • Partnership Development: Add value to your programs by gaining the support of community partners.

  • Donor Marketing: Broaden your Donor Base with an inspirational marketing plan.

  • Fundraising: Develop successful, sustainable revenue from Donors, Sponsors and Grants.

Every non-profit organization needs to know Who they are (Mission Statement), Where they're going (Vision Statement), and HOW they are going to get there (Strategic Plan). All too often, what passes as a Strategic Plan is just a list of wishes, because a goal without a plan is just a wish.

This call will review evaluate what's working for your non-profit organization, troubleshoot what isn't, and provide guidance and direction on the steps you need to overcome your challenges.

We will explore the strategies that can help your organization go from struggling to thriving. 

This is not a sales call. We can provide advice and guidance without pressure. Quite often, we provide great strategies to grow your nonprofit, even for organizations that are not a fit for our services. 

We begin by evaluating your Mission Statement to see if it answers 3 critical questions.

With over 20 years of experience helping non-profit organizations grow, our founder has the right tools and resources to help your ministry or non-profit reach new heights!

We do offer a program to help you grow, raise more money, and fulfil your mission. Our typical client sees a 20X return on investment. We can provide demonstrable results to build your capacity, broaden your donor base, and increase revenue. How? Experience. Proven Strategies. Training and Support. And we guarantee results for clients who are good fit for our services. 

We have helped hundreds of clients raise millions of dollars!

"I was very excited to speak with NNPRC and the guidance I received was an answer to prayer. Everything we talked about was what I needed to hear to help my ministry grow."

- Sandra Perez-Webster | Total Restoration Ministries

"The strategy call alone was well worth my time and provided incredible guidance I needed to direct my young non-profit."

- Pamele Greinke, Hope and Resilience Long Island

"From that very first call, Stephen was able to help me narrow my focus, improve my mission statement and come up with a new tagline to brand my organization. I truly appreciate the time he took with me to help guide my steps."

- Tony Pittman, Pastor's Army

Who Is Stephen Forbus?

  • ​Founder of National Non-Profit Resource Center
  • 20+ Years of Experience working with Non-Profits
  • Fundraising Consultant for Small & Mid-sized Non-Profit Organizations
  • Success as a Consultant Since 2003 

NNPRC is helping clients across the U.S. and on five continents -- North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe -- develop the capacity, donor bases, and fundraising strategies they need to succeed!

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